Production Pattern Node

PetroVR Pattern production patterns consist of a set of injectors and producers that are regarded and can be handled as a unit - w.g. they can be included in drilling or completion jobs, or represented separately in graphs and results. Additionally, you can define a specific fluid quality and composition for the members of the pattern in the pattern Fluids tab, thus turning the pattern in practice into a second-level reservoir with its own characteristics; or you can create an integrated production profile for its members in the Pattern Performance tab. When you enable these options, the pattern ceases to be a mere aggregation of wells and acquires the status of a separate entity with independent presence in the simulation.

Production patterns in PetroVR are specifically designed to address modeling needs related to some unconventional projects - such as shale or heavy oil - where the performance of an oil producer is linked to the stimulation provided by nearby injectors (Steam Injection Wells and Heating Wells). The relationship between producers and injectors based on geographical location is best modeled as an inter-dependency between the members of the minimal groups defined as patterns.

Production patterns can only be defined inside Oil reservoir oil reservoirs.

In the production pattern General tab, use the list in the left to Add/Remove wells. Note that a pattern should have at least one production well and one injector, and should not combine different types of injectors; in fact, using different types of injectors is incompatible with the option to use a pattern performance below.

  • Pattern behaves as an isolated reservoir: Check this option to make the pattern fluids independent from the reservoir fluids defined in the Fluids Tab. A Fluids Tab (Production Pattern) will appear in the pattern node to define the new fluid composition.
  • Use pattern performance: Check this option to define a table which integrates the production and injection profiles of the members of the pattern. When this option is selected, a Pattern Performance Tab appears in the pattern node.
  • Impact production on injection shortage based on this table: Check this option to model the impact of injection shortage on production taking the injection/production ratio from the performance table. This option will override the definition of voidage replacement of fluid injection ratio at the reservoir level (see Injection Tab). By default the decrease in production is proportional to the shortage, unless an impact table has been defined for the reservoir. When this option is enabled, you can choose between two methods for calculating the ratio:
  • Cum: The ratio is calculated from the production/injection cumulative values so far.
  • Rate: The ratio is calculated from the production/injection current rate.

When a pattern performance is enabled, the following inputs appear:

  • Oil Reserves: Cumulative oil production of the whole pattern.
  • Gas Reserves: Cumulative gas production of the whole pattern.
  • Water Reserves: Cumulative water production of the whole pattern.
  • Cum Steam / Heat: Cumulative injected steam/heat of the whole pattern.
You can only enter water components in the performance table when water is included in the decline table.

When a dimensional table is entered in the Pattern Performance tab these inputs will be calculated and not editable; if a dimensionless table is used instead, you need to enter here the values that will be used for escalating the performance table.

The following runtime variables provide information concerning production patterns: Oil: Cum, Oil: Rate, Gas: Cum, Gas: Rate, Water: Cum and Water: Rate (see Runtime Variables); Steam Injection: Cum and Steam Injection: Rate (see Steam injection system runtime variables).

As explained in The Concept of Cloning, under SELF-REFERENCES IN CLONED WELLS AND FACILITIES, a clone that references one of its own variables in an FML expression always refers to itself rather than to its prototype. Similarly, when a clone references a variable belonging to another member of the same production pattern, it will always refer to its corresponding clone rather than to its prototype.